I am a research engineer at the High-Performance Computing Center, Renmin University of China. I’m broadly interested in High-Performance Data Analysis, Data Science, and Machine Learning Systems. I am a technical evangelist, having authored articles and tutorials on diverse topics, including distributed computing (e.g. Flink, Scalable Python). Furthermore, I have published several books and delivered presentations at various industrial and academic conferences.

Before joining Renmin University, I had garnered years of experience working with some of the leading Chinese tech companies. For example, at Xiaomi Inc. (小米), I held the position of Big Data Engineer, where I developed the recommendation system for the Xiaomi Browser.

Research Interests

  • High-Performance Computing: machine learning systems, high-performance AI systems
  • Data Science: data science frameworks and tools, AI for data analysis

I am open to collaborations, feel free to reach out.

🔥 News

  • 2024.03:  🎉🎉 Our paper “Xorbits: Automating Operator Tiling for Distributed Data Science” has been selected as the Best Paper Runner-Up Award at the ICDE 2024 Industrial and Application track!

📝 Publications

  • * for corresponding author, + for equal contribution
ICDE 2024

Xorbits: Automating Operator Tiling for Distributed Data Science

Weizheng Lu, Kaisheng He, Xuye Qin, Chengjie Li, Zhong Wang, Tao Yuan, Xia Liao, Feng Zhang, Yueguo Chen, Xiaoyong Du

  • IEEE 40th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE 2024).

  • 🏆 Best Paper Runner-Up of Industrial and Application track

  • Distributed and drop-in replacement of pandas and NumPy.

📒 Books


Python 数据科学加速 / Python Scalable Data Science

鲁蔚征, 秦续业 / Weizheng Lu, Xuye Qin

清华大学出版社 / Tsinghua University Press, 2024.


Flink 原理与实践 / Priciple and Practice about Flink

鲁蔚征 / Weizheng Lu

人民邮电出版社 / The People’s Posts and Telecommunications Press, 2021.

🎓 Services

Journal Reviewer

  • TPDS: IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems